Welcome to RLM & Associates, LLC
"At RLM & Associates, LLC we are committed to providing the highest level of Residential Engineering and Home Inspection services available, at competitive rates. Our loyalty is exclusively to you-our client. Whether you are building a new home or buying a re-sale property for your family or as an investment, we have the training, experience, and skills to provide you with extremely powerful information to make a confident, knowledgeable decision.
Schedule Your Inspection Today! Call: (573) 201-8162
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Inspection Services
Our Residential Services

We provide the best value for your dollar when considering 30 years of engineering and inspection experience.
Testing Services
Our Testing Services

Keeping your family healthy is our number one priority. Your family's health is worth the extra cost.
Engineering Services
Structural Investigations

Some situations call for a more in-depth investigation. Need a signed and sealed engineer's report?.